Sustained Farmer Advocacy Needed to Help Protect the RFS in Washington


(NCGA) Concerns continue this week that the Trump Administration could decide to strike a deal for oil refiners that would have immediate and lasting effects for ethanol demand and, therefore, for corn prices as well. The National Corn Growers Association has started running a major advertising campaign in the nation’s capital to get President Trump, your Members of Congress and USDA to understand the economic challenges farmers are facing today and the direct role a healthy ethanol market plays for the future of family farms. The proposal from the oil industry, being considered by the President, could cut farm income almost $4 billion dollars per year for the next two years. There are better solutions, including RVP parity to allow year-round sale of blends greater than 10 percent, which lowers RIN values to address refiners’ concerns by blending more ethanol. NCGA is communicating with key players in Washington, through an aggressive digital advertising campaign operating under the theme of “Mr. President: Don’t Cap Our Future.”