Trump Twitter Tirade on USMCA


The president once again took to Twitter to lash out and rant at House Democrats over their inaction on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement. President Trump placed the blame for leaving USMCA squarely on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats for leaving USMCA “dead in the water.” But USMCA isn’t the only legislation that’s awaiting action in both houses as the House and Senate are both out of session for the Thanksgiving break.

There aren’t many days left on the congressional schedule in 2019, and Politico says Democrats are expected to conduct negotiations with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer by phone this week. However, the House’s impeachment process and yet another government shutdown deadline looming will likely take up a lot of that remaining time on Capitol Hill through December.

The good news for USMCA proponents is Mexico passed a budget for 2020 that includes more money for overhauling its labor laws. That could give some reassurance to House Democrats and U.S. labor groups, who’ve been worried that Mexico wouldn’t follow through on its labor commitments under the three-nation trade agreement. It’s been one of the biggest sticking points that’s held up Congressional ratification.