NPPC gains DOJ approval for industry collaboration to address COVID-19 crisis


On Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division provided guidance for collaboration among U.S. hog farmers. The guidance will help farmers effectively address unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The favorable decision for NPPC is in response to a “business review” letter submitted to the DOJ by the organization.

The review seek permission to allow hog farmers greater flexibility in working to maximize the number of hogs entering the food supply, minimize the tragic need to euthanize hogs, and, facilitate the safe and orderly euthanization of those hogs which are not able to enter the food supply.

NPPC President Howard AV Roth, a farmer from Wisconsin, says, “Our goal is to efficiently process as many hogs as possible into the food supply.” Roth says appropriate collaboration across the industry and with state and federal government officials will minimize the number of pigs that must be euthanized and ensure that the situation is handled humanely, and that disposal is environmentally sound.