Groups like the Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, the National Corn Growers Association, and others sent a letter on E15 to the Environmental Protection Agency.
The groups are asking Administrator Michael Regan to swiftly issue an emergency waiver for E15 sales. “New and ongoing world conflicts continue to pose risks for the U.S. energy supply,” the letter says. “In addition to the Ukraine conflict, the recent conflict in the Middle East presents additional challenges to America’s energy security.”
To remedy the disruptions in the global energy markets, stabilize gasoline prices for American consumers, and support domestic energy security, the groups urged the EPA to quickly authorize the summer sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol. ‘The consumer cost savings that result from allowing the year-round sale of E15, even temporarily, are well-established,” the groups add. “Consumers have saved 10 to 30 cents a gallon during recent waivers.”