Senator Schmitt questions Department of Agriculture using DEI in ERP

Earlier this week, Senator Eric Schmitt led members of the Missouri congressional delegation in sending a letter to Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack regarding the Department reimbursing crop insurance premiums to only certain producers. The letter contends that the USDA’s blatant use of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the Emergency Relief Program (ERP) undermines the hard work and dedication of all farmers and ranchers. In an interview with KFEQ, Senator Schmitt says that the DEI initiatives are a problem when it comes to relief programs.

Schmitt also noted that when emergency relief is needed, it is need by the ones who are affected.

Requesting a response by May 7th from the Ag Secretary the letter adds that choosing to eliminate reimbursement for certain producers disincentivizes producers participation in the crop insurance programs.